WHAT’S UP at Populist Cleaning Co
Employee Newsletter December 2023

Winter Driving Tips:
The weather outside can be frightful!
Snow and ice cause many motor vehicle accidents each year, especially the first couple of winter storms, as drivers forget that they must drive differently. The three P’s of Safe Winter Driving: PREPARE for the trip; PROTECT yourself; and PREVENT crashes on the road.
- Slow down for wet, snowy, icy conditions.
- Avoid quick braking or acceleration.
- Find out about driving conditions before you go out.
- Every time – buckle up.
- Turn signals, brake lights and windows need to be completely clear of snow.
- You should never use cruise control in winter weather conditions.
By remembering the 3 P’s, S-A-F-E-T-Y, and this last tip, you should hopefully avoid any collisions: Ice and Snow – Take it Slow!
The U.S. Department of Transportation/National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 43,795 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2022. [NHTSA Traffic Safety Facts, April 2023]
Don’t become a statistic!!
Winter weather = SLOW DOWN!

Winter Is Here!
Your floors may need special attention.
The winter season presents unique challenges for commercial cleaning, particularly when it comes to floor care. Cold temperatures, snow, ice, and salt can leave floors dirty, slippery, and unsightly. This article provides valuable tips and guidelines to help you effectively tackle winter floor care and maintain a safe and clean facility.
Snow and ice necessitate the use of salt and other kinds of ice melting chemicals. If not removed, these chemicals leave behind an unsightly white residue on carpet and a slippery, oily residue on hard floors. If the flooring is a smooth surface, this residue will cause a serious slip hazard and must be thoroughly cleaned up.
So, what should you do? Preparation is Key:
Prepare yourself:
- Expect to spend longer or adjust your routine: Snow, ice, and slush require more thorough cleaning.
- Slow down and pay extra attention: Focus on high-traffic areas like entrances, lobbies, and under furniture.
Prepare Your Site
Carpeted Areas:
- More thorough vacuuming will be required
- Slow down! A slower motion picks up more with each pass.
- Watch edges, corners, baseboard area for salt and ice melt build up. Look under desks. Salt and ice melt are often tracked in on shoes.
- NEVER vacuum a soaking wet entrance mat. Broom sweep if necessary.
- Report excessive salt build-up to your account manager.
Hard Floor Care:
- ALWAYS sweep, dust mop, or vacuum thoroughly BEFORE mopping any hard floor areas.
- Take extra care with mopping equipment:
- Do not mop with dirty or worn out mop heads. Report needs immediately to the office.
- You must take the time to change the water in your bucket as often as necessary.
- Do not mop with dirty water. This simply puts dirt and salt residue back onto the floor. If you see streaks, you are mopping with dirty water.
- When you’ve finished, take the time to fully rinse and properly store all mops and buckets.
Prepare your supplies:
- Properly care for your vacuum including all bags, cords, and belts.
- Thoroughly rinse your mops and buckets after each use. Hang to dry.
- Thoroughly rinse rags after each use and hang to dry.
- Promptly report supply needs by contacting your account manager or sending an email to supplies@populistcleaning.com.
- Be sure you have enough neutral floor cleaner and DIBS on hand to do the job well.
Do not hesitate to contact your account manager if you have any questions or would like to arrange additional training on winter floor care. We’d love to help!
Let’s work together to keep our floors clean and safe during the winter!
Happy December Birthday Wishes
Beverly Parsons
Ian Stewart
Latonia Whigham
Michael Cole
Stephanie Henderson
Nadine Garcia
Janae Thomas
Dai Janee Cooper
Armond Bohanen
Willie Simmons
Kalyn Pongracz
Jessica Torres
Work Anniversaries
Congratulations & Many Thanks
John Wagner, 43 years
Beverly Parsons, 13 years
Don Richter, 10 years
Stephen Amayo, 9 years

The Skinny on SQWIRE
Unlock Your Financial Potential with Sqwire, Free for Populist Employees and Families!
We are excited about our new partnership with Sqwire, a platform offering free financial education for you and your family. As a Populist employee, you’re eligible to enroll in Sqwire after your six-week mark.
Sqwire provides a wealth of resources to help you achieve your financial goals, including:
- Comprehensive online courses: Learn about topics like debt management, retirement planning, investing basics, and more.
- Helpful resources: Downloadable Word documents, PDFs, and Excel templates to help you manage your money effectively.
- Short, engaging videos: Gain financial knowledge in just 5 minutes!
- Topics for everyone: From buying a home to navigating taxes, Sqwire covers it all.
Here’s how Sqwire can benefit you:
- Improve your financial literacy: Gain valuable knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions.
- Plan for the future: Prepare for retirement, save for a home, and reach your financial goals.
- Empower yourself: Become financially independent and confident.
- Help your family: Share access to Sqwire with your spouse and children, building a financially secure future together.
Ready to get started?
- Register for Sqwire: It takes just one minute! Visit SQWIRE+POPULIST
- Explore the platform: Discover the wealth of courses and resources available.
- Start learning: Take control of your finances and build a brighter future.
Don’t hesitate to contact your account manager if you have any questions.
We believe that financial education is essential for everyone. With Sqwire, you and your family have access to the tools and knowledge you need to make smart financial decisions and achieve your goals.
Happy learning!
Contact your Area Manager if you’re interested in additional hours.
Refer a friend and take advantage of our →Employee Referral Bonus Program!
Happy Holidays!
Looking for Fun Holiday Events?
Pine Knob Magic of Lights Drive-thru Lights – Clarkston – Running until 12/30 5:30pm-10pm
Michigan International Speedway Drive-thru Lights – Brooklyn – Running until January 7th. Sun – Thurs: 5:30 – 9PM
Aurora Interactive Christmas Lights at Glenlore Trails – Commerce Twp – Running until 12/30
Holiday Nights in Greenfield Village – Dearborn – December 1-3, 8-10, 14-17, 19-23, 26-28, 2023
Wayne County Lightfest at Hines Park in Westland – Wednesday through Sunday, Nov. 16, 2023 – Sun., Dec. 24, 2023, 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
Wild Lights at the Detroit Zoo – December 1-3, 8-10, 13-23, 26-31,2023; January 2-7, 2024